Wish you could invite prospective clients over for a cozy dinner? Great website copy is the next best thing.

Get website copy that helps you book clients while you sleep. 

Website Copy That Makes Your Dream Clients Feel Like They Found Their Way Back Home.

Have you ever walked into your favorite brick-and-mortar shop and immediately felt a deep sense of relief and belonging? 

That’s no accident. It’s because your favorite brand GETS YOU—and they’ve splashed their space with all the right vibes and decor to make you feel connected to them, not just as a shopper but as a human.

What if your website copy could bring your people that same sense of immediate connection? With the right copy, it can.

What’s Missing From the Online Business Space? Intimacy, Trust, & Real Connection.


We talk so much in the digital entrepreneurship space about the importance of engagement. But before your ideal clients will be willing to engage with you meaningfully (much less spend money with you!), they have to get to know, like, and trust you. 

Your website is THE place where you get to set the scene, go deep with your people, and show them exactly why you’re the right person to support them.

Are we a good fit? Here’s how you can tell…

  • You know who you are and what you do. Sure, maybe it needs some wordsmithing—that’s why you’re here, after all! But generally speaking, you understand the value your brand provides for your clients.

  • You’re pivoting in your business. **cue that scene from Friends** Maybe you’re shifting the way you show up for your clients. Maybe you just want to add more of YOU into your business. Whatever the reason, you need fresh messaging for your fresh vibe.

  • You’ve DIY-ing your own copy—and you’re super sick of it. You’d love to hand your copy over to a pro who can write copy that sounds just like you (but better), clarify your ideas, and help you get better results from your site.

  • You hired another copywriter, but you’re not in love. You need your website to really reflect the heart and personality of your business, and you’re ready to invest to make that happen.

Smiling Cassidy writes in a notebook.

Book a Call to Learn More

Whoops! You caught us under construction—more info about our 2023 website packages is coming soon!

For now, here’s the quick version…

  • Need your website basics (home, about, and services pages) done ASAP? Ask about booking a Web Copy VIP Day! We’ll have your copy done in under 24 hours, for $2,000.

  • Have your brand messaging down to an art, but need a full website rewrite? Ask about booking a Web Copy Intensive and get up to 6 pages of custom, SEO-optimized web copy done in a single week for $5,000.

  • Coming off a pivot, niching down, or expanding to reach a new audience? Ask about booking a premium Brand Story + Web Copy Package! This is the luxe web copy option for entrepreneurs who are ready for copy that positions you as the expert you are. This customizable package is a 4-5 week process with an investment of $7,500.

Every web copy package comes complete with…

  • Proprietary copy playbook, to help us clarify your messaging + hone in on what your ideal audience needs to hear to say YES to working with you

  • Strategy call, to get clear on your goals and come up with a highly effective plan for your web copy

  • The web copy you need to increase your visibility and attract more dream clients

  • Complimentary edits, to make sure your website accurately reflects your voice, vibe, and values

Ready for website copy you and your audience will love?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • This depends on the package you select! We have options ranging from one day to one month. Reach out today to get more info and a more precise timeline!

  • We typically stay booked out by about 2-4 weeks. If you have a hard deadline for your project and want to make sure your spot on the calendar is safe, you can book as far ahead as you like. Book a call here to get started.

  • We aren’t SEO specialists, so this package doesn’t include SEO strategy. We do keep basic SEO best practices in mind and are happy to work with any existing keyword research you may have.

  • Lyric Creative Co. specializes in copywriting. We do, however, have some very talented friends. Reach out to us for a referral and we’ll point you in the right direction!

  • I applaud your curiosity. Email me anytime at cassidy@lyriccreative.co and let’s start a conversation!