5 Nurture Email Ideas That Aren’t Boring AF
One of the toughest things about running an online business is finding time to do everything you want to do.
From “showing up” on social media, to taking care of client work, to perfecting your own offers and processes, the entrepreneur’s to-do list is basically never-ending. So it’s really no surprise that so many business owners cut corners when it comes to their email list.
Growing a profitable email list is something that takes consistent action and effort. It’s an investment—both in terms of the hours you spend creating lead magnets and writing emails, and the money you may invest in running ads, hiring copy support (hi!), and paying for your email service provider.
However, it’s well worth every minute and every dime you put into it. When it comes to creating systems for long-term, sustainable growth, building a thriving email list is one of the most important places an entrepreneur can spend time and resources.
Here’s the good news—sending out thoughtful weekly emails doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated!
In fact, there are several tried-and-trusted formulas any online business owner can use to whip up a great email in just a few minutes—so you can nurture your audience and provide value, without letting content creation take over your entire day.
If you’re an online business owner who’s ever wondered…
What kind of emails you should send to your list
How to quickly write a high-value email
How to grow your business with email marketing
Keep reading! The following email marketing tips will help you know exactly what to send to your email list, even during those crazy weeks where you can barely find the time to finish a cup of coffee before it gets cold.One of the toughest things about running an online business is finding time to do everything you want to do.
From “showing up” on social media, to taking care of client work, to perfecting your own offers and processes, the entrepreneur’s to-do list is basically never-ending. So it’s really no surprise that so many business owners cut corners when it comes to their email list.
Growing a profitable email list is something that takes consistent action and effort. It’s an investment—both in terms of the hours you spend creating lead magnets and writing emails, and the money you may invest in running ads, hiring copy support (hi!), and paying for your email service provider.
However, it’s well worth every minute and every dime you put into it. When it comes to creating systems for long-term, sustainable growth, building a thriving email list is one of the most important places an entrepreneur can spend time and resources.
Here’s the good news—sending out thoughtful weekly emails doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated!
In fact, there are several tried-and-trusted formulas any online business owner can use to whip up a great email in just a few minutes—so you can nurture your audience and provide value, without letting content creation take over your entire day.
If you’re an online business owner who’s ever wondered…
What kind of emails you should send to your list
How to quickly write a high-value email
How to grow your business with email marketing
Keep reading! The following email marketing tips will help you know exactly what to send to your email list, even during those crazy weeks where you can barely find the time to finish a cup of coffee before it gets cold.
5 Easy Email Tips to Help You Nurture Your List & Grow Your Business With Email Marketing
1. Share a personal story.
You’ve probably heard the expression “sell with stories.” (Especially if you’ve been around here long—I say it all the time!) Your emails are the perffeeeccct place to tell stories that connect & convert. Story emails help your audience get to know you not just as a business owner (read: a person trying to sell them stuff), but as a human being.
Contrary to popular belief, every story email doesn’t have to be long, complex, or even particularly profound. Sometimes, the best stories are those silly, embarrassing, or intriguing moments that come up in your day-to-day life. That time you put your foot in your mouth at dinner with your in-laws. The interesting observation while standing in line at the grocery checkout. Something insightful that came up during a client chat. The sky is the limit!
The important thing here is that your story has a clear beginning, middle, and end—and that you find a way to tie it back to your core business messaging somehow. Don’t be afraid to get creative & have fun. You’ll never know what works for your audience until you try it!
2. Share something you've struggled with.
Did you know your audience will actually trust you more if you share your struggles with them? Too often, we feel pressured to pretend to have our crap together. We think our audience would lose faith in us if they knew how we were really struggling behind the scenes. But that couldn’t be further from the truth!
In reality, sharing your journey transparently is a fabulous way to build trust, connection, and to keep your email list engaged with your story. The struggle you share could be something from the early days of growing your business, or something more recent.
Be transparent and talk about what the challenge was, why it was important to overcome it, and how you eventually found a solution. Chances are, someone on your list is struggling with the same thing right now. Your struggle story could be the push they need to keep going & overcome!
3. #HumbleBrag with a recent client win.
Speaking of success stories… Your clients have them in abundance, right?? Sharing a recent testimonial or a win you helped one of your clients is a great way to entertain, engage, and create trust. By showing exactly how you’ve helped your current clients, you’re **subtly** reassuring anyone who might want to work with you that you know what you’re talking about + can get them the same awesome results.
4. Tease an upcoming offer.
Working on something cool but not quite ready to announce it just yet? Tease your audience a little! Let them know something awesome is coming, give out a few hints, and invite them to guess what’s brewing. This is a great way to start warming your email list up before a launch + start planting seeds that will make it easier to sell when the time comes.
Pro tip: This can also be a great way to feel out whether an offer is worth putting time into or not. If you tease an idea and it gets great feedback, you know your audience is primed to engage when you release the offer! Likewise, if you share an idea and get crickets… That may be a sign to spend your energy elsewhere.
5. Dish out actionable advice.
Everyone loves free tips that make their life easier! (You've read all the way to the bottom of this article, haven't you?) Cutting the fluff & sharing just a few actionable tips helps to position you as an expert. Plus, empowering your audience is a great way to build that Know-Like-Trust Factor and stay at top-of-mind for your audience.
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